Keeping you informed with news, updates and other useful financial information.
Summer news from Crane Williams
They say 'Good Things Come in Threes'. We want to let you know about three good new things that have happened at Crane Williams.
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How green is your pension
The consequences of inaction on climate change are now impossible to ignore. Every company has an impact on the world around us. And by investing in them, so do we.
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Passing Assets Efficiently to the Next Generation
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has lead many people to reflect on their own mortality. No one wants to think about their hard-earned wealth going to waste after they die. Sorting out your finances early will help the people left behind when you die.
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Six Principles of Investing
Whatever stage of life you’ve reached and whatever plans you may have for the future, you want your
money to earn the best return possible without taking undue risk. That’s why it’s important to invest in a
way that’s right for you and that will meet your goals.
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Creating a Roadmap for Future Financial Success
Putting in place a comprehensive financial plan and keeping it updated will be amongst the most important decisions you ever make. It should include details about your cash flow, savings, debt, investments, insurance and any other elements of your financial life and wellbeing.
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Accentuating the positive as we move through 2021.
I tend to have an upbeat, positive approach to life. Even when things are tough-going ‘accentuating the positive’ is my preferred approach. Here I share with you some of the tangible positives that I have been working on with clients in the first few months of 2021
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Guide to life insurance protection
The terrifying daily death tolls resulting from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak may be causing many of us to think about our own mortality, particularly if we’re responsible for a family or business loans. Suddenly we’re having to think about things we haven’t thought about before – including the unthinkable.
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New Year, New Start to Your Finances
At the start of every year we have great intentions, as financial promises are renewed. Getting our financial life in order will be a top priority for many as we enter 2021.
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Pension Consolidation
By the time we have been working for a decade or two, it is not uncommon to have accumulated multiple pension plans.
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Tax relief and Pensions
You can put as much as you want into your pension, but there are annual and lifetime limits on how much tax relief you get on your pension contributions.
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Ethical Saving and Investing
Whether it’s termed ethical, responsible or sustainable investing, the aim is generally the same. It’s investing your money in businesses which have some intention of making the world a better place.
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When should I start saving for my pension?
The future may seem far away, but you need to start planning early. Regardless of your goals, there are things you can do to increase your chances of success!
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